Furriends, you will not believe what happened today! It was horrifying! Our Mom - our beloved, kind Mom - ATTACKED our nip hamster. Right in front of us!
She looked at it closely, and saw it was having some issues with an eye. Hanging by a thread, she says. Can't risk us pulling it out completely and swallowing it, she says. So out comes the scissors. Snip snip, eye gone.
But do you think she stopped there? Was she content with this act of nipster abuse? NO! She decided to be - what did she call it - "proactive" and removed the OTHER eye. Then the ears. Both ears!
It was terrible. Here you see me consoling the poor nipster she got to. She says she's gonna snip snip on the other one when she finds it. (Shhhhh: I'm laying on the other one, to protect it. Don't tell her!)