For the sake of the uneducated hoomins out there, I will explain how noms werk for kittehkind. There are different levels of Hungrumblies. It ranges from mildly aware of possibly being hungry soon to feed me or I'm going to explode into little bits of orange tufts RIGHT NOW (and take you with me!) This morning was the first stage.
I woke up before the hoomin and lay there awhile (on the 'lectric blankie) and started thinking about my morning noms. I remembered that we were very, very low on kibbles in the dishes. Only a few bits in there! Unacceptable, I tell you. So I started to focus my concentration and will on the lazy person who was still asleep, when I had needs to be filled! Aha! She's awake now! Sort of. I moved up a few inches and collapsed. I was faint with hunger by this time but she, being the clueless person that she is, thought I was just being cute.
It took one more move upwards before I really got her attention. I had to lay on the pillow next to her and just look at her with my great big eyes, blinking out the message FEED ME FEED ME. After a few head and chin scritches she finally got her lazy ***** out of bed and actually dished out some kibbles!
All that werk for a handful of measly dry kittehfood. Sheesh. She's lucky I stick around, I tell ya!