Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Woofy Wednesday

Does she think I'm a water dog? Good grief! After monsoon type rain all morning, she comes home at lunch and thinks I'm actually going to go out. Ha. Usually I tease a little and let her get to the top of the steps before I refuse to go further. Not that day. Nope. She opened the front door and I got to the sill and did a 180. Knocked the door lock to the floor, I did, just to make a point! Next time, she'd better know better than to try and drag me out into a hurricane.
- Cousin Max


  1. Way to show your human who's boss!

  2. Grete did make it back to the dog park, but she started limping a bit. She's back to limited leash walking again. Us kitties are going to have to entertain her.

  3. Oh, Cousin Max. Where are you gonna go to the bathroom!?

  4. My dogs don't like the rain either ..
    They look at me and sometimes I have to go out with them ...

  5. LOL. Some of the dogs at our shelter put the brakes right at the door when they see it's raining outside...

  6. That's right, don't take any nonsense from the Humans.

  7. MOL! I don't have much apriciation for rain either.

  8. Rain? No way!! Our woofies won't even consider going out in that wet stuff.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  9. Send you out in the rain? That is just so wrong.

  10. Ick!! Ick we say! Not even a woofy should go out in that!!
