Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mancat Monday

You know, it's moments like this that really remind me hoomins 
have a very... juvenile... sense of humor. The stuff we put up with!

Yes, I endured this indignity for awhile. The alternative was to move,
and I just wasn't ready.

In Leia news... she's doing well and thanks everyone for their good thoughts.
I was just glad it wasn't ME who had to go to the Stabby Place!


  1. You are so right, Toby. Humans have weird senses of humor. We're glad Leia is doing better.

  2. I'm glad Leia is doing well. And yes, humans really think they're funny when they're not.

  3. Well, on the bright side, you do have a nice pile of blankets!

  4. Hahaha, sorry Toby, but we can't help! You are so adorable with your turtle friend :-)
    Glad to hear leia is doing well. Continued purrs for her xo

  5. Toby, it's true. They are SO juvenile most of the time. We have to put up with it and try to instill some manners into them. Also, usually it's a vain effort on our part. Oh well, we love them anyway.

  6. Are you being attacked by a turtle!?!? I could rip that to shreds for you in about .4 seconds. Just let me know. I'll be right over. No one messes with my kit-cat pals!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
    PS: Glad to hear Leia is doing better!

  7. dood...stuff on my cat.... and we iz buzzed happee leia iz doin way better..... !! ☺☺♥♥

  8. I'm sorry Toby but we just can't help doing things like that. I am glad Leia is doing better.

  9. Our mom does stuff like that too, Toby. Sometimes you just have to put up with it.

    We're so glad Leia's doing better!

  10. Glad Leia is feeling better. You are looking very handsome.

  11. You are actally lucky. I often get the TV remote control put on me. On the other paw, Im usually on his lap when he does that, so Im willing ta put up with it... ~ IZA

  12. We're glad Leia is feeling better. Why do the humans think they're funny?!?! They're the ridiculous ones! It's not like we go around putting THEIR toys on their heads. Sheesh. A little respect would go a long way! ~Bear Cat

  13. Toby I think you look very handsome there.
    OH no Leia I'm so sorry you had a UTI...I purrsonally know how uncomfortable they are. I had a fierce one last fall and OMCs they put gunk on my tummy to scan my insides then stuck a needle in my bladder to steal my pee-pee. YIKES. Kitty kisses sweetie
    Hugs madi your bfff
