Shhhh..... don't let the Monday know I'm here!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Woofy Wednesday

Okay, so I see a cat crouched on the pavement, when I'm out for my walk. Usually I go nuts, but this one day, I was very good because I knew my person wouldn't allow anything else. I can only get away with stuff when *she* doesn't see the cat. But this one was right out in the open, oddly enough. So I slid toward the cat, hoping my person wouldn't notice. She didn't pay a lot of attention, and the cat just sat there. So, full charge ahead! Yeah! Run, kitty-cat, run. Right behind ya! Oops, end of the leash. See ya later, kitty. Next time, I'm slipping this leash! - Cousin Max
Toby and Leia's Note: Cousin Max is CLEARLY not a civilized woofy! Hmpf.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Marty the Kitten
We visited Max Psychokitty this morning. We read about Marty the kitten who desperately needs an amazingly expensive surgery.
They have almost all the money they need. We know times are hard for everyone but please send out healing purrayers for this sweet little guy.
Marty has MORE than his goal now!!! Wooooo!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Terrier Thursday
Oh, my goodness! A small little person - so young she had to be carried - grabbed my furs yesterday! And would not let go. I got even though, I sniffed and licked her face. But her mom didn't freak out. Next time, I'll have to do a better job. Like my Rottweiler cousin out in California got really even with a bothersome young 'un once. Kid would not leave him alone, so Rottie expressed his displeasure. Literally. Yup - he peed all over the kid. Now THAT's style. - Cousin Max
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well, look, hoomin Mom person. When I want attention and snorgles, I want them. I don't care what else you are doing. I'm more important than anything else!!
Anyway, you have two hands, don't you? You can give me head scritches while you eat with the other.
I'm fair, after all.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Finally Friday
We made it to Friday, and everyone here is very happeh. But... oh and this is a big but.... THERE ARE STRANGE HOOMINS HERE WITH VERY LOUD THINGS (Mom says they are "power tools").
This is so terrible. We're having to post from under the bed cuz it sure is scary out there. We hope it ends soon. But Mom says it will be worth it - they are putting in ins...insil... stuff that makes the house warmer in the attic.
After this, we are gonna need a very long nap to recover.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Toby's Mystery Thursday

I'm a pretty big mancat. Weighed in at just a bit over 17 lbs at my last stabby place visit. Yeah, I've lost a little since Mom put us on this Evo food but still. I'm also a tall cat. Plus, I'm orange - I even kinda glow in the dark. I am very hard to miss.
So why, dear furrriends, does my Mom NOT SEE me so often? She is always, always tripping over me. I mean, she'll be doing something at the sink, say, and I'll just saunter up right behind her without making a noise and wait for her to notice me, like a polite kitteh does. But what happens? She turns 'round and trips right over me! Like I'm not even there! Sheeesh.
Ok, maybe it is just a little bit funny to see her go staggering across the room trying not to step on me, but y'know, it really kinda hurts my feelings.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Woofy Wednesday
What's that you're carrying? An umbrella? You're making me walk through the torrential downpour (aka light drizzle) from Ida and *you* get the umbrella. Fine, be that way. Just watch me jump on all the furniture with my soaked (aka damp) self when we get back inside. Next time, you'll see to it that the rain stays away when I'm out for my walk, won't you? - Cousin Max
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cat Sanctuary
We visited Melvin's blog this morning, where he wrote about a senior cat sanctuary in dire need. Please go visit and help, if you can.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Easy Like Sunday
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A Cold Caturday

Well, so far this weekend isn't turning out like we expected! Our HEAT bit the litterbox last night. And it got down to 35 degrees, our hoomin said. Yeowww!!!! COLD!!! We're convinced icicles were hanging off our furs at one point.
(Hoomin's note: No, there wasn't. It wasn't THAT cold inside).
Anyway, our hoomin says we have heating company hoomins coming out today to fix it. So keep your paws crossed for us that it all gets fixed today!!
UPDATE: We haz heat again!! Yeaaa for heating company hoomins!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Finally Friday

Furriends, it has been a very long week, so we're very happy to make it to Friday! Four paws up for Fridays!!
We've been busy this week taking extra special care of the Mom person. So much bad has gone on - locally, at her day hunting place, and nationally - that it's just been seriously rough on our hoomin. We had to do lots of especially good purring, head butting and snorgling to get her through it all, but we did.
Just one more werk day to get through, and then we can all flop down and put our paws up in the air for two days!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Woofy Wednesday
See me run.
In the nice cool weather, dragging my person behind me.
See me run.
- Cousin Max
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday Monday
Good morning! Well, we all survived H'ween. Didn't do anything here, just kept the light off and stayed far, far away from the Sticky Little People. We don't want any of that here, no thank you very much!
Yesterday was quiet, a very relaxed Easy Sunday. We helped our Mom watch SyFy tv all day. We did that in bed cuz it was such a nasty, chilly, dreary day. That was fun!
And now it's Monday, our Mom is at work, and it's time for our all day nap-a-thon. Life is good!
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