Monday, November 29, 2010


Well, we're still getting our BRRRR on, but the fix it people came out today. Mom says they have new parts available after all, and should hopefully be installed next week. Till then, it's gonna be nippy for us, but we're getting another space heater to help.

Thank you for your kind words and support, furriends. We all 'preciate it.


  1. We are asking next week to hurry up and come for y'all! Ot at least some warmer weather.

  2. Next week?! That's absurd! What kind of customer service is that? The mom thinks that's appalling. Just sayin'!

  3. Wowa! It must take a long time for them to order those parts. In the meantime, I hope you have nice, cozy blankets!

  4. Hope you are not too cold. We have snow here now otherwise i'd lend you my fluffy blanket. Here's a big warm furry hug instead (xx)

  5. Mes happy yous is getting the heat making thing fixed soon and that it was not too much paper. Wes has a heating blanket that Daddy has put on my chair and me loves it! Me does shares it with Mommy (only sometimes)

  6. oh, there's nothing sadder in our book than a cold kitty. Hope you get things up and running soon.

  7. We are glad you can get the parts for your heating, but next week is a long time to have to wait. We hope you can all keep warm together.
