Thursday, November 8, 2012

No Respect

Furriends, I take my napping VERY seriously. Especially when I settle in for my Great Morning Sleep, I work hard to choose just the right spot on the bed. I will move if it's not just purrfect.

I position myself properly. Then it's time for a spot of grooming to make sure my furs look their best while they sleep too. I'm all GQ that way.

And just when I lay down my head and close my eyes.... yes, you guessed it, here comes Mom to finish getting ready for the day. Which would be ok if she didn't keep wanting to snorgle me repeatedly and talking to me and everything. Where is my peace? I meow to you, no respect. None at all.


  1. Ugh! I get disturbed like that all the time too. Humans have no sense of "space."

  2. We get the same problem. No respect whatsoever!

  3. We can't imagine what it would be like to sleep on a bed. We sleep under our rocky shelves. You look very cosy.
    Aurora for the Pond Fish

  4. We know how you feel! Same thing with us! xx

  5. We hear you! The humans do that to us here, too!

  6. Do humans not understand the importance of the CQ look? Honestly! We hear you! Meow!
