Well, in theory, anyway. Today Toby had to go to the Stabby Pl----
Toby, tapping paw on Mom's arm
Let ME tell it this time, you always make me sound like a wussy fraidycat, Mom.
Mom Uhh... ok... go for it.
Thank you.
takes a moment to groom some chest furs to ready himself. So here is what happened, without any Mom embellishments, ok? I swaggered into the waiting room at that awful place, NOT afraid to show it *I* was boss. I DEMANDED immediate access to the staff so they could get me done in record time. They COWERED before my orange might, truly.
It was a thing of beauty, you should have seen it. Anyways, they said my thyroid levels are now purrfect, and after a group discussion - yes, I
certainly took part in my OWN medical care decisions - I'm on pill form Predisone instead of the Depo shot every five weeks. On account of steroids not so good for heart conditions, which was probably caused by the thyroid condition. And my weight has increased by a pound!
Ok, so it's true that I stuck my head under Mom's arm while we were waiting for the blood results, but ONLY because it was noisy in there. I wanted to protect my manly, yet delicate, ears.
And then we came home and I sauntered upstairs to have some quiet downtime UTB. But only because I was tired of all the fussing and this was the quietest environment. Now I'm rested up and planning on... planning on.. doing something darn manly, I tell you what.
How's that, Mom?
Mom Um.... I think SOMECAT has been texting with Binga, that's what I think!
We wanted to share about Hazel, a very tiny ladycat. She's only five pounds, but is about a year old. We met her in the waiting room; she had been found by a lady who already had four cats of her own, but lured her with food until she was able to get her safely inside her house and brought to the vet for testing and vaccinations. We are so grateful that one more kitteh is off the streets, due to the kindness of a hoomin. Bless you!