Monday, August 13, 2018

Mancat Monday

You know what amazes me??

People who think we felines don't work. We TOTALLY work. Constantly. In fact, we do so much for our peeps, they would be completely lost without us. 

Like this morning. I made sure mom got up. She kept hitting that darned snooze button, and I knew that wasn't good. (Ok, it WAS also annoying). So I left my comfy spot at the bottom of the bed and snuggled with her until she admitted she had to get up. 

See??? Work, work, work.


  1. I nose just what you mean! My peeps do not understand that when I wake them up at 3am ('cos I need to go potty) I'm giving them an early start to their day and they won't have to rush around like mad thingys because they are late, like they usually do. Peeps eh? Can't live with 'em, can't get your foodables bowl refilled without 'em!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Wow. Well, I for one had no doubt about how hard you work. It sounds like you really had a lot on your paws this morning, though. You didn't over-do, did you? I think a nap is in order, Toby!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  3. You are such a hard worker, Toby! Humans would be totally lost without you kitties. My boys work hard in the morning, too, to wake me up. Also, I can't sleep well without Niko besides me in the night :-)

  4. Toby, we can see the sweat on your brow from your exertions!

  5. Amen Toby...get'em up and get'em moving so we can get much needed rest after a night of guarding them.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. That snooze button is so annoying! Humans, either get up or don't - don't keep letting that thing go off!

  7. guyz...yea N due knot forgetz a bout guardin de houz frum everee one N everee thing while de momz out....N makin sure therz plentee oh foodz in de pantree; N helpin de economee buy purrchasin treetz N we iz eggz hausted two ~~~~~~~~~~

  8. Toby, you are so right. Us cats work very hard and we don’t get the pay we deserve.

  9. It's very hard work to be a substitute alarm clock!! Hopefully she didn't try to snooze you!

  10. Toby, you have the patience of a saint and you're hardworking! We wouldn't cuddle. We would relentlessly bug her until she got up to feed us.

  11. Getting up from a comfy sleeping spot is DEFINITELY werk! We wouldnt have cuddled though. When we want TBT up, we are "whiskers in his face".

  12. When I wake Mom, it's with a whap! Well, a tap. And again and again and again.

  13. Kitties do all sorts of important work, like keep the house free from bugs, hold down paperwork or newspapers, lick up scraps from the kitchen floor. Important stuff!

  14. Looks like a kitty snooze button works better than that alarm clock. We believe a cat's work is never done. You are always on the clock. Mom was probably happy to snuggle with you until she had to get up. Thanks fro the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  15. Perhaps you want to mention you had help?! I see the behind of a tiny tabby there. Good team work, you two.
