Saturday, January 12, 2019

A New Caturday Dawns

Good morning, dear furriends. We hope everyone has a great weekend.

Here, we are just relaxing and taking it easy. But last night... ohhh last night!!

Mom and I were snuggling in bed, nothing major.

And then, then she looks at me and says, "You know, I could have named you Fluffy."

WHAT???!!! Fluffy!!!!!

Does this fierce mancat LOOK like a Fluffy to you??


  1. And you could have never answered to that indignity!

  2. Yo, Toby! Pierrot here. You are definitely not a Fluffy just like I'm not a Snowball.

  3. Absolutely NOT! N-O-T. Perhaps Conrad...mabe King. Or Harrison...maybe Hercule...perhaps Augustus...a thought toward Romulus? Odysseus? Zeus? Hannibal. NOT FLUFFY!

  4. Leap off her stomach all in a hurry tonight. She'll re-think her thought.

  5. MOL MOL MOL was your mom taking cold medication that mess up her thinking? OMCs Toby...
    That being said I used to tell Madi we should have named her Harriet...because she was so hairy. She would hiss when I said that too
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I could see you as a Fluffy :) XO

  7. Toby, I suggest that you cough up a 'fluffy' on the rug...

  8. LOL Toby, you may look fluffy but we know you are mancat of steel! :-)

  9. OMC, I think all cat's biggest fear is that someone will name them fluffy!

  10. Fluffy? Really? Only if that's a synonym for "mancatly!"

  11. Maybe it's one of those things like calling a really big dude "Tiny" or something. A nod to your man-cat-liness. Really.
    We hope you and your mom are doing OK.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  12. i love the look on his face! Hope you two are adjusting as well as can be expected. Thinking of you

  13. Oh Bast, TBT has done that to US too. But we were embarassed to explain it. We came close to be RENAMED Nudge, Pudge, and Smudge.

    Ayla gives TBT head butts (Nudge), Iza is fat (Pudge), and Marley has a black spot on the side of his head (Smudge).
