Thursday, June 25, 2009

Porch Super Highway

Being on our porch is like having a front row seat to the Super Highway of Other Animal-Kind. We getz to watch birds and squirrels and all kinds of bugs and EVEN - sometimes - Evil Intruder Kittehs! (Those don't bother us too much.)
Only thing is, those animals can be LOUD!!!!


  1. Hi there -- welcome to the world of cat blogging, it's a fun place to be! We hope to see lots more of you (you both, or all three!).
    Would you email us (larger size) the picture from your profile; we'd love to "introduce" you
    for Friends Friday (on our blog) tomorrow...

  2. TY!!!! We have emailed our picture! Let us know if you need anything else!

  3. Hi! Nice to meet you cats! Drop by and say Hi if you like!

  4. Sounds like you could sell tickets to your front porch! Lots of entertainment there!

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey
