Here are are, about a squillion years ago. Neither of us anywhere near to a year old, learning to play with each other. Now, when I first came to live with my Mom, there was already a kitteh in residence - Yasmina. Mom says she was a royal, regal Empress of All Kittehs kind of cat - all I know is, she was a little bit scary. (Mina went to the Bridge before Leia came here).
I had the Mom all to myself for about a month, then she brought home ANOTHER KITTEH. Even though I was very young, I didn't take kindly to this ....this... intrusion. This was MY house. But Mom didn't listen to me at all on this issue, and thus Leia stayed. And she's still here, about five years later. Hmpf. - Toby
I never met the Great Yasmina, but I have heard many stories about her. But I did need a home desperately. I lived at the Stabby Place for awhile, in a PTU on the counter. Many people looked at me, and one even took me home, but brought me back after one weekend. She already had lots of kittehs and woofies, and it all scared me very much. So much that I kinda lost my head, bit the woman, ran up the curtains. And then Mom came, and adopted me, and loved me. Toby still lets me know every so often that he wants to be a one-cat home, but mostly we get along ok. And I don't let him get to me anyway. - Leia
PS: Sammy the Meezer is having his dental surgery today. Please purray for him!!!