Friday, July 10, 2015

Finally Friday - Treat Jar Edition

Happy Finally Friday, and welcome Caturday, to all our furriends.

And now... first the box:

A fine box, but a trifle small, even for Tiny Tabby Girl.

Ta da!!!! the Main Event: One treat jar.

We won a gift certificate for 4 Paws Pottery, from the contest the Island Cats had. After careful consultation, we helped Mom pick out this beautiful jar. We can purrrsonally attest that 4 Paws Pottery does great work and hope that you will visit them too.

Thank you, Wally, Ernie & Zoey !!!


  1. Congratulations! I hope Mom fills it with goodies for you.

  2. ConCATulations!
    That treat jar looks very nice!

  3. Concats to you! That is a lovely treat jar.

  4. I hope there were some treats to put in it!

  5. That's a very pretty jar! I love the colors and cute paw prints on it.
    Enjoy the jar, and yummy treats that will fill it :-)

  6. That's a great treat jar! Congratulations again on winning the drawing. Now, we hope your mommy fills that thing up with some noms, pronto! :)

  7. That is so cute! I hope your mom has filled it to the top by now.

    P.S. Did you get the box, too?

  8. The jar is beautiful and will be very useful for your treats. But I think the box will be more fun.

  9. Love your new pottery treat jar, we were really happy you kitties were the winners, congrats!
