Sunday, November 19, 2017

Dear Codd Mother, Forgive Us...

for we have failed. We were ... were... INFILTRATED!

And it all happened through our mom, no less. She brought home this mat tonight - with a great big BURD in the middle. 
And why? Why???? Because it was cheap! Only $4.

(Plus she was insulting, said I was just going to yak up on it anyway. 
It's true we never seem to keep any mats around for long, but still.)

Forgive us, Codd Mother. We are so ashamed.


  1. The bass turd on a mat in your home! Let's hope the Codd Mother understands it was your mom and not you guys that did this!

  2. Wow, just $4 for that fabulous mat? Great find!
    Well, for your mom...of course, you would not bring that into your home. I’m sure Codd Mother will understand :-)

  3. Don't let the TroutTown Tabbies see this. ;)

  4. Oh, that is not good. We hope the Codd Mother doesn't get too upset!

  5. That looks like a rooster-shaped water stain on that mat, MOL!

  6. dear leia & toby whiskerantano; de tallahaszee terminatorz

    I understand this is no fault of yours but your mom bares watching; I think the gobbler or one of his henchman has recruited her; yet and still, the employees of said location where this mat was purchased, may be under his wing ~~ no pun intended. please use all caution in the next several days

    de codd mother ~~~~~ ♥♥

  7. MOL MOL MOL a rooster on your rug...What was she thinking? Everything must be approved in triplicate by you two...then there is a committee of your peers who must approve it.
    Yak on it big time pronto
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. MOL! We're mat yakkers, too, and that one wouldn't have lasted the day!

  9. The Tabbies were very forgiving. Count your blessings!!

  10. Oh boy!! The Codd Mother will not be pleased indeed. I think it might be time boys - to fly the coop as it were. Clearly your mom has been turned to the dark (meat) side. We suggest you immediately take a dump on the mat and then set it on fire! You need to make it absolutely clear whose side you are on!

  11. Surely there was an inexpensive cat print mat.

  12. A mole! We already know Moms are up to no good ... but this proves it! Stay safe you two!

  13. Bwa! Haa!!! Haaa!!! You have discovered the insidious remote activated device!!!
    Get your claws to ready and shred that monster!!!
