Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Monday

Here we are - Monday again.
They just can't seem to be stopped!!
Best way to deal with this : sleep a lot.
And we are totally champion sleepers, Leia and I.
How will YOU spend your Monday Monday?


  1. Sleeping is the best way to spend a Monday. Our mom wishes she could join us, but she has to go to work.

  2. Oh, how I wish that I had spent my Monday like this!!! You are so smart! Next Monday....I'm going to do what you do!!!

    Can I come and cuddle with you all???

    Love, Auntie Deb

  3. And you have a lovely assortment of pillows, too!

  4. We spent our Monday about the same way as you...we'll probably spend Tuesday that way too...

  5. I am glad you have great sleep at least on Monday~!
    Big hugs!
