Monday, November 9, 2015

Multi Kitteh Monday

Normally I wouldn't share Mancat Monday with Leia but this week is a bit different.

As every kitteh knows, we wear many hats when it comes to our hoomins - sometimes we soothe them, stir them up, supervise deliveries and assembling things. We take care of them when they are sick - and what a pain that is! - and even do things just to amuse them. They really are very simple creatures.


Caturday was a .... different kind of day. Mom has been fighting with the company that brings our Internet service into the house. We won't name it but it starts with a T (think clocks.....). It was the second disruption of our peaceful household this week, but they weren't able/were too lazy to fix the problem. The tech was actually very rude, lazy and incompetent, and basically told her she had to "suck it up" when it came to not getting the proper speed. Whatever the problem is, it's on THEIR end, not ours. He spent 25 minutes here, most of that on the phone to someone else.

She got so mad, she ordered him to get out. WE had sense enough to stay out of the way upstairs. Even when we came down, we were just a bit careful. Let's just say the energy was... um... crackling for awhile.

Some days you really do just need to leave the hoomins be. This is our Multi Kitteh Monday Public Service Meow for the week.

***yes, it was rude to order him out and shut the door in his face while he was still talking but he deserved it. I'm having a very hard time being sorry about it.


  1. Call the company and continue to complain until they make it right! Just because that guy didn't feel like he needed to provide customer service, you are paying them dammit...they need to respond! I'd be all up in their stuff, making sure they put me at the top of their list! Good job, kitties...staying out of the way was a prudent choice!

  2. Not rude at all! You're the one paying THEM, not the other way around. We laughed when trying to figure out the name of the company. T (think clocks) and all we could come up with was 'tocks! Maybe that's appropriate?

  3. It sounds like you have the same problems as we do!!! Very inefficient!!

  4. Oh no, I'm so sorry for such upsetting experience. He must have been extremely rude if your mom had to order him out. Did she file complaint? I hope T has a proper customer care section and improve their service.

  5. Oh my was not rude at all your humans are paying for that service. Truth be told customer service no longer has service....we know the company of which you fact they have tried to get us to bundle, we have tv service through them which has been dependable and most usually they can fix the problems over the phone
    They want us to add phone and internets. Mom has heard horrors about their phone service and well we have had the same email addy furever and we are quite
    happy not to mention that email is connected to our blog and mom is so untechie she isn't sure what changing would do to that. So here we sit paying more but at least as mom says all our eggs are not in one basket.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. If a worker here acted the way this one did, my human would probably do the same thing! They may be there to tinker with stuff, but customer SERVICE comes with the job description.

  7. Sounds like he got what he deserved, don't bother trying to feel sorry for it! Hope things get fixed up soon!

  8. Don't feel sorry, you don't pay for rudeness and incompetence! My contract with the abysmal Talk Talk who took over aol ends today so first thing in the morning I am ringing for a migrating code and hopefully getting better service elsewhere.

  9. If he was being rude, your mom was right to make him leave. Your mom is the customer and shouldn't be treated rudely. By the way, we think that's an adorable picture of you two.

  10. You two are Very Wise...

    And Mommy says that door slamming would have been far down her list. She's been known to brandish a spatula!

  11. Under those circumstances, my mom would have done that, plus call him a sociopath probably. She gets quite hissy about poor service. We all remember the Great Dead Modem Event of last year, so we get it totally.

  12. We think our humans would have done the same thing!

  13. Very frustrating for the Mom - but you still got a beautiful family portrait.
