Sunday, May 23, 2010

When I was but a tiny kitten tot of four weeks, I came to live with my Mom. I discovered pretty early on that her hair was the BEST place to hang out in.

It made me feel safe and warm. For a long time I'd sleep snuggled up to her neck, all hidden. But pretty soon I got too big to fit. But hey, my head still fits there, so I go with that these days.

Every day I have to spend some quality snorgle time this way, especially when she comes home from werk. (Occasionally I even drool a little). She's a good egg. I think I'll keep her.


  1. Awwww!

    What a sweet way to love on your Mom. The drool makes it even more special...yup, she's a keeper!

  2. Kenji loves to play with my mummy's hair! She loves it. She doesn't like it much when he comes to snuggle up early in the morning and his whiskers tickle her face. mawhawhaw!
    You are so cute!

  3. You are just the sweetest!
    Our beloved Cal used to love our mom's hair. He would even try to eat it when she slept.

  4. Hehe!! When I was a little kitteh, I liked to be in my human's hair too. I messed it up quite a bit too.

  5. I like my human's hair too. But since I'm a girlkitty, I usually comb it for her, instead of snuggling in it. I am a good hairdresser!

  6. How sweet!! It's nice your mom let's you hang out in her hair!!

  7. Jasmine sleeps on my pillow and sometimes tries to eat my hair. What is with that ?
