Furriends, the War on Fleas is not going as well as we'd hoped. Our initial strategy was progressing very nicely, but the enemy regrouped and struck back. So now we've entered the trenches to duke it out.
Mom is determined that we will emerge victorious, so she's been adding to our arsenal with daily vaccuming, mopping of hard floors, flea combing multiple times every day. She's stripped our house of as many hiding/laying egg places as possible: pillows, drapes, heavy bedding. Anywhere and everywhere the nasty buggers can hide, we're hitting them.
Wanna hang out in a crevice? No problem! She's got cleaning attachments for that. Entrenching your bitey little butts in the furry blankie? Just try it. It's being washed and tucked away in plastic till this is over.
We do draw the line at chemical warfare, except for Advantage. Mom gets the heebie jeebies over chemicals. She's so worried we might get poisoned or something.
PS: We're sending out very strong purrayers for Ginger and family. He has some medical issues.