Monday, February 17, 2014

The Recovery Continues...

Good evening, dear furrriends! I'm getting better. Still a bit sore in the hind quarters - after what they did to me yesterday, no surprise! - so Mom just gave me another dose of pain meds. I didn't like her finger down my throat but.... I wouldn't mind if it helped, either.

We got wet gushy food tonight. It was wonderful!

Mom was upset about me sleeping on the cold floor last night. I wouldn't get on the bed and when she tried to put me on it, I flipped out and ran away. So she decided that if the sick kitteh won't come to the bed...

the bed will come to the sick kitteh!


  1. Hey, what's wrong? We hope you get better ASAP!

  2. Did the cool floor feel good on your bottom? We think your Mom is a Good Egg to give you a whole floor bed! Paws crossed things keep "moving" and tomorrow you feel even better.

  3. Aw, your mom is so nice to do that for you, Toby! I'm glad you're doing better, too.

  4. We hope you continue to feel better and better...

  5. At least your human is trying to make it up to you, Toby!

  6. We like that your Mom is making sure you are nice and spoiled during your recovery, Toby. Hugs!

  7. That was nice of your mum to make up the bed on the floor for you. Hope you are soon better.

  8. Actually, we think that was pretty nice of your mom to do! We don't think ours would have!

  9. Hey, we like your mom's idea. Can she drop a hint to Jan? We'd like the bed to come to us too. Get well.
