Mom! This is a serious matter I have to discuss with you. That's why I've chosen this platform, right in front of the TV. I need your full attention.
You're Netflixing The Gilmore Girls. I... I'm a dude here, a mankitteh. Got a rep to maintain, y'know? I can't be in a house where you're watching THE GILMORE GIRLS! When are we gonna get back to the manly movies - like the Dolph Lundgren movies? I LIKE Dolph. He does pawesome stuff. He kicks tail on those other tomcats in a big way. Very inspiring.
We've watched plenty of those, especially lately. I know you think I wasn't watching, but I only had my eyes closed when you were looking at me.
So please please please let's get back to the action movies! No more GG!
That's all.
- Toby