Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Good News

Brekke had a good vet visit; she's fine. They gave her painkillers and antibiotics.

She has a great passion for sleeping, as you can see here.
She loves my bed, with my electric blanket, and will stay here for an entire night.

I took today off, to rest and put my room in order. Sylvina helped me with that. 
As we all know, cats are most excellent helpers.


  1. Hooray! So glad to hear Brekke is okay! And how nice of Sylvina to helpe get your room situated. :)

  2. I am glad Brekke's visit went well. She looks very peaceful sleeping on your bed.
    Of course Sylvina helped you, you couldn't do it properly without her supervision.

  3. Awww, look at her, all snuggled up there. So sweet. Lots of healing purrs from Derry.

  4. That is such great news about Brekke! And so glad your work is reduced by Sylvina's welcome helps.

  5. Cats are excellent helpers, insofar as to make the human stop whatever they want to do, to help do whatever said kitty wants to do! Good news for Brekke.

  6. We're glad Brekke is doing ok. And yes, cats are the BEST helpers ever!

  7. I'm glad Brekke is doing well. What a sweet photo of her snuggling up. I hope she will heal quickly.
    Oh yes, we know kitties are great helpers :-)

  8. Cats are the ultimate Snoopervision.
    I'm so happy Brekke is resting comfortably
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. de manee blessings oh st francis two ewe brekke ~~ heerz ta a full N compleet ree cover ree ~~~ ☺☺♥3

  10. That’s great news for Brekke. We’re sure your room is purrfect now since you had expert supervision.

  11. I am glad she is OK. You have such adorable housemates. :) XO

  12. Whew! She's a lucky dog.

    We hope Syl got the chance to fur up some of your stuff when she helped.

  13. Glad your "people" Brekke's appointment went well. I'm right there with her, too, on the passion for sleeping thing!

  14. So glad she's doing OK!
    We've been trying to get caught up -- we had been unable to comment on any blogs. We couldn't stay signed into Google/Blogger for some reason, so we couldn't leave comments. Very frustrating! Mom finally figured out a work-around (switching from Safari to Chrome) and we're ok now. Just trying to learn Chrome!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  15. Your new roomates seem wonderful! Sylvia has the sweetest face and glad to hear Brekke is ok!
